EA stocks were hit, but they are hurt but not dead.

The best stocks with good fundamentals, fun to play, easy to buy and sell, worth tens of billions, and whoever buys them will become rich, such as EA stocks, which are considered another stock that drives the economy, were slapped with fins by shark investors, leaving the price at only 12.20 baht. After creating the story that Somporn Ahunai, CEO of Energy Absolute Public Company Limited (EA), sold all of his shares He admitted that he actually only bought 3% of the stocks to raise money to invest in various businesses. However, he was then severely beaten by a short sell followed by a short fall, meaning the stocks ended up in the hands of a large group of people, causing his wealth to instantly disappear by 300 billion baht... Oh, what a pity!! แทงบอลยูโร

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